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Register for the DocuShare Developer Network

The Xerox DocuShare Developer Network (DSDN) provides the tools, resources, support, and training required to rapidly execute customized development on the core DocuShare capabilities.

Register now to get access to the DocuShare API documentation at no cost to you.

NOTE: The APIs and tools on this server are provided without cost by Xerox Corporation for the benefit of DocuShare customers and prospective customers. They are provided without the commitment of support. If you are involved in developing tools, enhancements, or integrations based on these APIs and tools, Xerox strongly encourages you to subscribe to our DocuShare Developers Network support program. To subscribe please contact Xerox DocuShare Sales or email A brochure describing this program is available here. Also visit the DocuShare Resource Center for training information.

Developer support is not included in standard DocuShare software support, and will not be provided without a DSDN subscription.


CollectionsTop level collections

DocuShare Developer Environment

Contains detailed information for developing with the DocuShare platform

  • DocuShare Content Management Server
  • DocuShare Java API
  • DocuShare Enterprise Workflow
  • Third-party connectors