

CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

A specification for transferring information between a World Wide Web server and a CGI program. A CGI program is any program designed to accept and return data that conforms to the CGI specification. The program could be written in any programming language, including C, Perl, Java, or Visual Basic.

CLI (Commandline Interface)

Commonly referred to as the Commandline utilities. Uses the DocuShare Java API.

Compound Documents

DSDocument: a document consists of document properties and one or more versions. They are first class DSObjects with a handle and ACL. This replaces the DocuShare 2.x File Object.

DSVersion: a version consists of version properties and one or more renditions. They are first class DSObjects with a handle and ACL.

Saved HTML pages, MS-Word documents, and Outlook mail message are types of compound documents. They contain hyperlinks and field codes that reference other files or objects. For example, an Outlook email message with file attachments is a .msg file with field codes to the file attachments. These are stored in DocuShare as single compound documents.


A ContentElement consists of ContentElement properties and a reference to a file stored in DocuShare Content Store. ContentElements are not first class DSObjects and do not have a DocuShare Handle or an ACL. ContentElements only exist in a single rendition, but may be shared between renditions in a future release.

Content SPI (Service Provider Interface)

Interface for storing the document contents. File Access Impl provides storage of uploaded files in the file system.

Conversion SPI (Service Provider Interface)

Standardized interface for accessing Conversion Services. These services include:

  • HTML Conversion to take editor source files and generate an HTML rendition.
  • Text Extraction to generate a text stream from a source file.
  • Summarization to create an abstract by extracting the key 6 sentences from a document.
  • Thumbnailing to create a reduced picture of standard image files.
Other conversion services can be added (plugged in).

Custom Objects

Custom objects have their own custom properties that are separate from the properties of the parent class. Allows the site and 3rd parties to define new objects classes such as special Document types or special Collection classes. New objects can be "cloned" from the existing classes of objects.

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